"Mouth with Off-Season Kudzu"
"Dorothy Dandridge in Herreshoff"
"Arthur Looking Away"
"Kanye on Marbleized Paper"
"Julie Christie, SAM, Jason in Pisa"
"Woman Watching Niagra Falls"
"Anne Brigman out of Marilyn Monroe"
"Versions of Pandemic"
"Martha Graham over Ark of Burhara"
"Storyville Girl in Tree with Bird"
"Lightning over Pretoria"
"Crossed Legs, Mic and Buddha"
"Fiona Apple as Mesa"
"Austrailian Afire, Ms Dunst Lips"
I have been painting and making collages and scratched photos for about fifty years. I use material I come across in everyday life––mostly newspapers and magazines, I also collect postcards, discarded family snapshots and my own photographs of roads, movies I'm watching, landscapes. So many images sitting around––I thought I might do something with them, scratch them up, glue on them. Somehow there is worship involved.
I like to put together images that wouldn't normally find each other.
So many images get thrown away every day; it bothers me when they contain things––news, effort, bravery––which have touched me. I think of the collages as tributes to people and places I love, to beauty, or as expressions of outrage at the horrible things which are happening or have happened in the world.
My watercolors are done mostly when I travel and I simply paint what is in front of me. It is a way of meditating.
Past Exhibitions
Area Gallery, Rockland, ME. Watercolors. July 2006.
North Haven Gallery, ME. Minot Family Art Show. August 2008.
One Mile Gallery, Kingston, NYC. Drawings & Watercolors. July 2012.
The Shala, 815 Broadway, NYC. Watercolors & Scratched Photos. March 2013.